November?! My goodness Christmas is like six seconds away I need more time. How's your month going, guys. This month has been non stop over here with the highlight so far being my son turning SIX! There's also all kinds of things to share with you re KHI so here we go.
FIRST, have you signed up for our newsletter?! If you're reading this and haven't, please go to our website and subscribeeeee. I promise it'll be worth it. We send out every other Sunday (so just two times a month) that's full of all kinds of goodies for you. There's links to our favorite new vendors, collaborations, newly discovered artisans, and vintage finds. Here's a few snaps from the last one we just sent.
Next up ~ I was featured by Ink and Porcelain this month on their blog series 6 Things, and wanted to share it here with you guys in case you missed it on our IG stories. I talk about how I got my start in design, what drives my creative spark, and what the best advice ever given to me was. Here it is!!! Give it a read. 6 Things With Kristin Hildebrand
And here are a few images of our Denver Build that feature some of (our favorite!) Ink and Porcelain accessories, the ruffle bowl and the wavy tray
Next up ~ (and if you get our newsletter, you already know this!! but) #WhatWeveCoveting for November is live on the blog. Here is a link, or you can click on the image below. We've got some solid vibey holiday stuff for you so go check it out if you haven't already. And keep an eye out for our Gift Guides because those will be coming SOON.
What else, OH you guys! We have added not one but TWO new projects to our Portfolio. Our Park Royal Project, and our San Francisco Project. Here are a few sneak peeks (my favorite images of both) but be sure to go see them all because they are so incredibly special.
Park Royal Faves
San Francisco Faves
Okay but wait the bathroom from San Fran is too good not to share
Can you guys handle these images? Because I can't. They are so special.
Alright what else is there to update you on?! We're busy working on a slew of existing projects but we also signed an exciting NEW project this month! It's a new build down in Dana Point (Niguel Shores) and we can't wait to share more.
Alright fam I think that's all for this month's Edit. As always, thank you for being here, means the world x